Technology Committee Minutes: September 2012

MOBAC Technology Committee
Meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month
2012/13 Chair: Stephanie Staley, Cabrillo

Meeting Minutes
September 19, 2:00 p.m.
Monterey County Free Libraries, Marina Branch, Administrative Offices

Attending: Ashlee Wright (Harrison), Stacy DeMatteo (NPS), Deborah Stephens (Hartnell), Catherine Webb (MPC), Chris Ricker (MCFL), Steve Watkins (CSUMB)

1. Today’s recorder:  Steve Watkins

2. Agenda Review: No additions or changes

3. Approve Minutes from last meeting:  The minutes of the August 15th meeting were approved as submitted, with one typographical correction.

4. Admin Council information and next meeting, October 12.

Doug Holtzman submitted the following notes from the August 17th Admin Council meeting:
CLSA funding in the 2012-13 State budget will be $350,000. (It’s not clear whether or not this is contingent on passage of the tax measure in November.)
$160,000 will be used for delivery. PLP is looking at other options, including a Print on demand demonstration project (possibly in Menlo Park), CALIFA ebook project, and innovation/technology grants for member libraries modeled on BALIS’ successful program. (Grants have now been announced.)

The Council reviewed the MOBAC action plan:
B.1 Staff development plan
Survey will be sent to committees.
Reference Committee may coordinate skills survey.
Discussion of possible listserv for requesting/disseminating staff development skills, other general MOBAC information.
D.2 Guidelines and tools for advocating for library services within MOBAC region
Deadline extended to October
will use ALA advocacy tool
E.2 Position statement regarding resource sharing as core function of MOBAC
Deadline extended to October

Committee/Community of Interest discussion
Donna will check with PLP counsel regarding Brown Act requirements.
For now, Committees should notice meetings and include Public Comment on agendas.

ILL Courier survey
Donna will obtain quote from delivery service for reducing 3 days/week libraries to 2 days/week

The minutes are here:

5. Planning for Hands on Workshop

The committee affirmed the plan to hold a half-day Hands-on Workshop on Website Usability Testing, to be presented by Anne Hall. Preferred dates are February 8, February 1, or January 25, 2013 and three possible locations were suggested: Hartnell, Cabrillo, or the MPL Community Room. Deborah will look into Hartnell availability, Ashlee will contact Doug about MPL, and Chris will contact Stephanie about Cabrillo. The workshop will be a mix of presentation and hands-on evaluation of various MOBAC library websites, with up to 40 attendees anticipated.

6. Annual Report to MOBAC Administrative Council

Using last year’s report as a template, the committee identified accomplishments, plans and challenges. Chris and Stephanie will compile them into a final report to submit to Admin Council and Ashlee will respond to questions at the October 12 meeting.

7. New business

There was general discussion about the possibility of planning a second workshop during the current fiscal year with a tentative topic of tools for digital collections. The feasibility of holding such a workshop may depend on the level of support that MOBAC is able to provide this year, so further planning will await the outcome of the October 12 Admin Council meeting.

8. Information/resource sharing and news from the libraries

9. Next business meeting is: October 17, 2012

10. Next business meeting place: MPC or CSUMB

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