ILL Committee Meeting Minutes October 11, 2011

MOBAC Interlibrary Loan Committee

Castroville Branch Library, Monterey County Free Libraries

Present: Monica Wilmot  CHAIR (MIIS), Rebecca Bergeon (CSUMB), Jean Chapin (HML), Irma Fink (NPS), Kirk Hall (MPC), Ray Melendez (MCO), Stephanie Stainback (CAB), Sarah Troy (UCSC), Susan Renison (WPL), Georg Romero (CAB)

Scribe: Susan Renison (WPL)

Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order at ~2:00 pm.

Additions/Changes to the Agenda:

  • Task Force recommendations

Adoption of the Minutes of June 14, 2011:

Motion to approve the minutes (Susan), seconded (Kirk), and unanimously approved.


Administrative Council discussion of budget and draft bylaws; general confusion in understanding the Expenditures page particularly the charts of Expenditures using MOBAC Membership Fees FY 10/11  and Total MOBAC Expenditures FY 11/12

The Expenditures page provoked discussion concerning the delivery portion of the budget:

1. Academic libraries are members of other consortiums with delivery services such as Tricor and tend to utilize the MOBAC courier Kal-West less than the public libraries.

2. The larger systems such as MCFL and SCPL have internal delivery systems between their branches.

3. Statistics show that FY 10/11 a total of 5,362 items (2681 items borrowed and then returned) moved within system. It is known that member libraries accept material that belongs to other member libraries and pass them along through the courier system; no figures for how much material is handled in this way.

4. Discussion on costs to ship each item via Kal-West. True costs cannot be calculated as we don’t know the volume of materials being moved. Although we can count a minimum of 5,362 items within system, there are also the out of system items that we use Kal-West for to connect to BALIS, etc., plus the aforementioned non-ILL material belonging to member libraries.

5. There is still concern over the slowness of the courier system.

6. The perennial question about effective courier system that is economical and efficient may be looked at yet again considering, at least according to what we understand from the Expenditures page, that Delivery is 58% of the budget.

7. Several libraries already spend time and money to mail items because of the time efficiency.

Discussion of Admin Council’s direction concerning an ILL Committee chair is noted below in Old Business.

Technology Committee October workshop canceled.

Reference Committee October 27 annual Hands On Workshop at the Marina branch library; all are welcome.

SPLAMBA No report.

New Business:

a. New MOBAC Website/ WordPress Georg Romero gave a demonstration with a handout on how to use WordPress. Members present received the password; any ILL member needing the password is encouraged to contact one of us. It is now our responsibility to post our documents and update the MOBAC ILL webpage as needed.

b. Annual Statistics Irma presented statistics with her usual thoroughness and our appreciation.

Several facts stood out (Keep in mind these are statistics on items ILLed through OCLC only):

1. Borrowing returnable items within system has dropped  in the last three years – 39% between FY 08/09 and FY 10/11. (A side comment was that even if SCPL was to come back to ILL, their level of within system lending may not be what it was as they no longer have their storage collection. UCSC was reported to have also discarded its storage collection. We still urge SCPL and the others to come back into ILL.)

2. For this past FY 10/11:

Returnable items 2681 2681 9442 7034
Copies 462 462 5796 4535
TOTALS 3,143 3,143 15,238 11,569

Total Borrowing through OCLC: 18,381

Total Lending through OCLC: 14,712

3. Overall borrowing and lending through OCLC has gone down.

Comparing FY 10/11 to FY 09/10:

Total Borrowing: down 17%

Total Lending: down 33%

c. Workshop/ Training Ideas Irma presented a multi page document with links  of workshop opportunities (she will post this). It is a great list of possibilities with ideas, descriptions, prices when available, and Irma’s experiences with some of the programs. Thank you Irma!

d. MOBAC Lending Rules regarding new acquisitions – will discuss next time.

e. MOBAC Retreat – Friday, October 14   SCPL Scotts Valley branch Thank you Stephanie and Monica. Discussion of the same topics: What is important to MOBAC ILL? (answered by going around the table: Put MPL and SCPL back into ILL; expand resource sharing beyond tri-county area to our partners; delivery system questions such as other PLP partners use Link + (and Innovative) . What are  the MOBAC and MOBAC ILL benefits to belonging to PLP?

f. Task Force Recommendations The CA State Library’s funding for CalCat and MOBAC access to CalCat will end December 31, 2011.  However, as long as MOBAC libraries continue to use OCLC for cataloging purposes and Resource Sharing we will still be able to view the holdings of MOBAC libraries who are still connected to OCLC.  The approach to this will be slightly different than CalCat offered but the holding’s information will still be accessible.  will still be available to the  public.

Old Business

a. new chair/ co-chairs selection Various models to govern committee tasks were discussed. Admin Council requires appointed chair(s) in order to have a committee. No chair: no committee, no budget, no regular meetings required, could be a task force. Unanimous vote to continue as a committee. New chair Rebecca will serve the rest of the fiscal year and 2012/2013 with Irma as vice chair; followed by Irma 2013/2014. Rebecca may require backup for January meeting; the group agreed to provide whatever was needed; Jean and Susan are willing to step in. The same problem that has plagued all chairs is the time required to attend Admin Council meeting; we will continue to do our best! Jean usually attends and can represent ILL.  Maybe there will be some use of the MegaMeeting software.

Announcements: There were no announcements.

Problem sharing/solving: no discussion

News from Libraries: no discussion

Agenda Building for the Next Meeting: no discussion

a. next meeting: January 10,  2pm,  UCSC

Adjournment: approximately 4:00 pm.

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