April 13, 2010 – Dudley Knox Library
Hosted by the MOBAC ILLCommittee
Workshop Presenters:
- Michael Ahern, OCLC, presented OCLC’s Web-scale Management Services
Ellen Pastore (MPL) presented Innovative Interface’s INN-Reach product – Link+ – from the patron perspective - Rebecca Bergeon (CSUMB) and Irma Fink (NPS) presented ILLiad ILL Management from the patron perspective
- Jacquelyn Hope (NPS), Cara Key (NPS), Zooey Lober (NPS), Angela Taylor (NPS) presented the ILLiad staff client modules for ILL Lending, Borrowing, Document Delivery and also demonstrated the Bookeye planetary scanner with BSCAN-ILL software
The workshop was attend by 21 MOBAC member library staff representing 12 member libraries AND 1 staff person from the Santa Clara City Library (Silicon Valley Library System).
MOBAC Member Libraries represented:
- Cabrillo College Library (CAB)
- California State University, Monterey Bay Library (CSUMB)
- Harrison Memorial Library (HML)
- Hartnell College Library (HCL)
- Monterey County Free Libraries (MCO)
- Monterey Institute of International Studies Library (MIIS)
- Monterey Peninsula College Library (MPC)
- Monterey Public Library (MPL)
- Naval Postgraduate School Dudley Knox Library (NPS)
- Pacific Grove Public Library (PGR)
- Salinas Public Library (SPL)
- San Benito County Free Library (SBE)
1. The information presented in this workshop will be useful to me in my current position.
__7__ Strongly Agree
__4__ Agree
_____ Agree Somewhat
_____ Disagree Somewhat
_____ Strongly Disagree
2. The speaker was well qualified to speak on the topic presented.
__8__ Strongly Agree
__2__ Agree
__1__ Agree Somewhat
_____ Disagree Somewhat
_____ Strongly Disagree
3. The speaker’s presentation was effective.
__5__ Strongly Agree
__5__ Agree
__1__ Agree Somewhat
_____ Disagree Somewhat
_____ Strongly Disagree
4. The time allocated for this workshop was adequate.
__6__ Strongly Agree
__4__ Agree
__1__ Agree Somewhat
_____ Disagree Somewhat
_____ Strongly Disagree
- Really needed more time to do a thorough job.
5. The facilities for the workshop were adequate.
__7__ Strongly Agree
__3__ Agree
__1__ Agree Somewhat
_____ Disagree Somewhat
_____ Strongly Disagree
6. Overall, how would you rate this workshop?
__7__ Excellent
__4__ Very Good
_____ Good
_____ Fair
_____ Poor
7. Is there any area of the topic that you felt was not covered in sufficient depth?
__1__ YES __8__ NO
- Look at more vendors. Invite someone from Innovation/InnReach and other vendors whose specialty is ILL – perhaps even someone to show behind-the-scenes customization manager, etc. for ILLiad (perhaps a systems person).
8. Was there anything that was not covered that you would have wanted to be included?
__2__ YES ___7_ NO
- Systems information (for the more technologically advanced people).
- More ILL platforms
- It was nice having someone from SVLS here. It might have been interesting to encourage more PLP members to have a discussion about the future of ILL in our new consortia. Maybe for the future…
9. General comments:
- Thank you!
- This was excellent & very informative for individual libraries – I wonder how we might work together as a consortium with this information – agenda topic for future ILL Committee meeting?
- A great overview, but clearly more time would be needed to cover in greater detail. What a shame that so many left before 5:00 pm – we missed the opportunity to do a wrap up.
- Difficult to get into NPS but great facility for workshop.
- It would have been interesting for participants to have a discussion afterwards about impressions, possible future action, questions…
- Marvelous – superb speakers and great company!
10. Suggestions for future MOBAC workshops:
- More on resource sharing—perhaps with the greater (PLP) region.
- It was nice having someone from SVLS here. It might have been interesting to encourage more PLP members to have a discussion about the future of ILL in our new consortia. Maybe for the future…