February 9, 2010 – 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm – Castroville Branch Library
Presented by Cheryl Gould, InfoPeople – Hosted by the MOBAC ILLCommittee
The workshop was attended by 16 MOBAC member library staff. Libraries represented included:
- Dudley Knox Library, Naval Postgraduate School
- Harrison Memorial Library, Carmel
- Monterey County Free Libraries
- Monterey Institute of International Studies Library
- Monterey Peninsula College Library
- Monterey Public Library
- Pacific Grove Public Library
- Santa Cruz Public Library
- Watsonville Public Library
Questions with Responses:1. The information presented in this workshop will be useful to me in my current position.
__10_ Strongly Agree
___3_ Agree
___1_ Agree Somewhat
_____ Disagree Somewhat
_____ Strongly Disagree
2. The speaker was well qualified to speak on the topic presented.
__12_ Strongly Agree
___3_ Agree
_____ Agree Somewhat
_____ Disagree Somewhat
_____ Strongly Disagree
3. The speaker’s presentation was effective.
__12_ Strongly Agree
___3_ Agree
_____ Agree Somewhat
_____ Disagree Somewhat
_____ Strongly Disagree
4. The time allocated for this workshop was adequate.
___5_ Strongly Agree
___6_ Agree
___3_ Agree Somewhat
_____ Disagree Somewhat
_____ Strongly Disagree
- More would be better!
5. The facilities for the workshop were adequate.
__10_ Strongly Agree
___5_ Agree
_____ Agree Somewhat
_____ Disagree Somewhat
_____ Strongly Disagree
- Larger would be better.
6. Overall, how would you rate this workshop?
__12_ Excellent
___2_ Very Good
___1_ Good
_____ Fair
_____ Poor
7. Is there any area of the topic that you felt was not covered in sufficient depth?
__3__ YES __10_ NO
- How to feel more in control of a situation which you don’t really have control
- Building trust and personal credibility
8. Was there anything that was not covered that you would have wanted to be included?
___3_ YES ___9_ NO
- Bibliography
- In retrospect, scenario about current ILL services
- We should have tied it more to Interlibrary Loan!
9. General comments:
- Voice-mirroring and brevity = both were helpful
- Really gave us all a chance to vent & see we weren’t the only one with “boss” problems.
- The workshop was very educational and worth attending. Caitlin & Cheryl are very knowledgeable and fun. I really enjoyed the workshop. It’s worth it.
- This workshop is very helpful. Hope I can put into action. You created a safe place. Thanks.
- Exercises were extremely useful. Lots of stuff I can use in day to day.
- Interesting personalities.
- Excellent teachers. Focused. Positive. Great team. Fun.
- Cheryl & Caitlin work well together – best I’ve been to with Cheryl.
- Great fun.
- “Dual Concern Model” not presented effectively.
- Loved having the dynamic of 2 presenters.
- Difficult to talk freely with the variety of management levels present & knowing each other’s staff.
- Excellent workshop. When is the “Communicating Down” workshop… respectful communications for administrators & management. No, seriously!! J
- It was a lot of information to cover in a half day workshop.
- It was awkward to have a mix of supervisory & non-supervisory staff discuss real/current “communicating up” issues. MOBAC is such a small group that most of us know who people are talking about without ever having a name mentioned. Perhaps for the future it would be better to work from fictional scenarios and/or hold separate workshops for supervisors and non-supervisors.
10. Suggestions for future MOBAC workshops:
- More! More!
- Supervising workshop.
- Recommend more InfoPeople workshops with Cheryl and staff.
- More on effective habits of working with less
- “Communicating Down” workshop
- InfoPeople workshops are great! Well presented.
- Stress management workshop