ILL Committee Annual Report: 2009-2010

MOBAC ILL Committee Report  2009-2010

  1. What are your committee’s long-range goals? What are your short-term objectives for the 2009-2010 fiscal year?

The committee’s short-term objectives are:

  • To explore other delivery options including outside the immediate MOBAC delivery area
  • To identify challenges and best practices for each library and to see if those issues are relevant to other member libraries
  • Continue to redefine the committee so that our primary charge is clear


The committee’s long-range goals are:

  • To continue the annual survey of MOBAC ILL practices
  • To continue to provide excellent customer service for the sharing of resources
  • To continue to monitor the efficiency and frequency of deliveries
  • To continue to facilitate professional growth opportunities for all MOBAC ILL staff members


  1. Within the areas of responsibility of your committee, what are the issues that MOBAC should address to meet member needs and improve library service by member libraries? Are these issues best addressed by the Administrative Council? Or by one or more of the other committees?
    • The MOBAC ILL committee requests continuing clarification and regular updates about the regional consolidation from the Administrative Council.
    • The MOBAC ILL Committee requests that the Administrative Council work with its members to encourage the participation of all libraries in OCLC interlibrary loan activities.
    • With input from the MOBAC Administrative Council, the MOBAC ILL Committee will continue to re-define our charge so that it makes clear that we consist of and for ILL staff as we serve MOBAC/ Pacific Library Partnership (PLP) libraries and advise the Administrative Council.


  1. In the opinion of your committee, what opportunities in your areas of responsibility lie ahead for MOBAC members? What barriers or potential barriers are we facing? How can these barriers be overcome?
    • Administrative Council liaison attendance to MOBAC ILL Committee meetings is important in order to provide committee members with input, clarification and information.
    • The California Libraries Catalog has allowed our patrons to enjoy greater access to materials throughout our region and the state. The trend in resource sharing is growth and there is concern about adequate staffing to meet the workload.
    • The increased ILL workload coupled with reduced staffing at many libraries has resulted in irregular attendance at ILL Committee meetings. Staff members often have to choose between fulfilling patron requests and attending the bi-monthly meetings. These meetings provide an opportunity for staff to discuss issues, share ideas, and problem-solve with peers – and often result in better customer service for our patrons. Administrative support, in both the theoretical and practical sense of the word, is needed in order that active ILL staff attend these meetings.


  1. What policy decisions will the Administrative Council need to make to help your committee achieve your objectives for FY 2009/10 ? Please be specific.

Communication with the Administrative Council continues to be of high importance—particularly so that we can conduct business in an efficient and timely manner—and we appreciate that this situation has improved. Points of particular significance include Administrative Council Liaison attendance, and access to minutes, agendas, and budget matters.


  1. What are the fiscal requirements relating toward objective and policy recommendations for FY 2009/10? Are you aware of outside funding sources, such as grants? If so, please describe them. What are your budget needs for FY 2009/10?

In May 2009, the Administrative Council approved that our committee would spend up to $3,000  for workshop(s) to be decided on at a later date. Under this plan we are investigating three options: two half day InfoPeople workshops (Stress Management in the Library Workplace for February and Communicating Up in April) and/or a workshop in April on ILL software options possibly presented by ILL staff and software management representatives.


  1. What else does the Administrative Council need to know about your objectives for the upcoming fiscal year?
  • We encourage all member libraries to participate in the ILL Committee and in ILL activities.
  • We would like to be informed on the benefits of belonging to the PLP.
  • We would like to see the results of the Administrative Council Strategic Planning Survey.



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