MOBAC Reference Committee Meeting
09/27/11, 2-4pm
MCFL – Castroville Library
Call to Order
Recorder: Bjorn Jones
Deborah Ruiz (MPC)
Jim Tarjan (SCPL)
Mary Housel (MCFL)
Mary Elturk (PGL)
Janie Silveria (CSUMB)
Jean Chapin (HML)
Janet Bombard (HML)
Pamela Jungerberg (MIIS)
Kathy Norton (NPS)
Heather Geddes (WPL)
Bjorn Jones (SPL)
August Minutes Approved
Administrative (Janet)
Looking at Calcat alternatives, attendance of Admin members to other committees on revolving basis, future of PLP and MOBAC uncertain
Tech (no representative)
Upcoming October workshop on filmmaking
ILL (Jean)
No meetings recently, no news
SPLAMBA (no representative)
MOBAC Strategic Plan Workgroups (no report)
Know more after October retreat
Annual Report to Admin council composed and submitted by Jean
Currently banned books week through Oct. 4th
Old Business
Gale ebooks follow-up – Academic libraries experiencing difficulty accessing the additional 3 ebooks (Contact Kate Branham, POC) 800-877-4253 ext. 8706
Hands-On Committee – Oct. 27th, Marina Branch MCL, 9 -12. Future of Reference workshop in final preparation. Expected attendance is unknown. Presenters include:
Georg Romero (CAB) – MOBAC website
Andrea Davis (NPS) – Cool Google Tools
Beata Obydzinski (MCFL) – Book Club in a bag
Kathy Norton (NPS) – Creating a knowledge base
Jean Chapin (HML) and Betty Mason (SBE) – Open source catalog, pros and cons
WorldCat/CalCat/First Search Discussion
- CalCat subcommittee will be recommending libraries keep First Search and will also recommend six alternative options.
- High price quotes currently reported for WorldCat and CalCat by MCPL.
- Further discussion initiated by Jim Tarjan (SCPL) about the uses of these services and the value of this subscription. Committee members reported using for initiating ILL, referring patrons to other libraries, collection development decision making.
- Donna (MOBAC) will be seeking grant funding to pay for First Search.
- The subcommittee suggests listing MOBAC library catalogs on the front page of MOBAC website.
- Mary Elturk presented an alternative to spending grant funds on First Search. She demonstrated a new online ILL platform (from Innovative) for patron initiated ILL requests. (Example from Prospector Library System – Louisville public library in Colorado. CARL – Colorado Alliance of Resources Libraries)
New Business
Heather Geddes (WPL) – Presented new MOBAC website and demonstrated how to create and edit a page and create calendar events. New website is an open source WordPress content management system.
Login: **********
Password: **********
- Heather asked committee how they want to approach creating users? Bjorn Jones (SPL) suggested one shared user per committee.
- Can “editors” break the site? They can create and delete pages. Heather will further research this question.
- Should meeting addenda be posted before meetings? Issue was left undecided.
- Heather volunteered to update MOBAC Ref committee’s pages and meeting minutes.
News From Libraries
Meeting Adjourned