MOBAC Reference Committee Meeting
Watsonville Public Library
minutes by Irene Berry (NPS)
Jean Chapin (HML), Janet Cubbage (HML), Frank Gravier (UCSC), Bjorn Jones (SPL), Erika Johnson (MIIS), Mary Housel (MCFL), Pam Downing (SCPL), Irene Berry, (NPS), Inga Labeaune (MPL), Deborah Ruiz (MPC), Heather Geddes (WPL), Betty J. Mason (SBCFL), Pamela Jungerberg (PGPL), Laura Dickie (CAB)
Additions, Changes to the Agenda:
- MOBACREF committee members involved in other MOBAC projects: Irene Berry is now part of the new Web Redesign team; Bill Rawson is part of the Communications Technology Team.
- Meeting of 28 February to be held at San Benito PL
- September 2010 Minutes Adopted
- No other additions to the Agenda
- Admin Council: The demo of MegaMeeting was successful. Noted that sound was greatly improved, and that the use of external microphones eliminates the problem of echoes. See Jean Chapin’s recent email (sent 10/11/2010) about how to arrange to use it in your library. Arrangements must be made through PLP.
- Tech Committee: The group is working on a December workshop on Mobile Apps Technology. They are looking for presenters. Please consider supporting Tech committee’s workshop; it promises to be very useful for Ref Services issues.
- ILL Committee: Pamela reports on the Annual Survey. The group has made corrections and is planning an ILL Committee Workshop. The December meeting will happen via email.
- SPLAMBA: The next meeting is in December. There is a joint SPLAMBA/REF meeting on the horizon for April. Inga will speak with SPLAMBA members to “close the loop” on that. The topic of that meeting may be one of the following (issues of concern to both committees): Working with Teachers/Instructors; Adult Summer reading. Suggestions for other topics are welcome.
Hands-On Workshop
- The recent MOBACREF Hands-On workshop was a huge hit, according to the comments. Many commenters were quite extensive in their praise and suggestions for topics for future Hands-On Workshops. Comments mentioned LibGuides, book reviews, WorldCat frequently. Interest in LibGuides cost: it was noted that costs are based on the number patrons in your library’s database, so keep it current and accurate. Frank G. (UCSC) asked about a possible consortial purchase by PLP.
Comments sought on PLP-offered Resources
- Career Transitions Database:Some observed it was not easy to use. Resume feature is useful.
- RefChatter:Are libraries ready to use it? Mary H. (MCFL) and Pam D. (SCPL) report their libraries are considering use of this resource.
- MegaMeeting:We need a “protocol” for using MegaMeeting as an alternative means of attendance for committee members not able to make the drive to the host library.
- Meeting host should set up the MegaMeeting
Website Maintenance; Wiki oversight
- Website:Irene B. (NPS) noted that the “old versions” of the Ref and ILL pages up now are there as placeholders because newer versions were overwritten recently. She provided Deborah Stephens and Georg Romero with newer page replacements as of this date.
Deborah Stephens (WPL) came in and was introduced to the group; she is the interim web manager. The site will be undergoing a change in how it is managed in the near future- a MOBAC group project is in the works to look at Content Management solutions for it.
- Wiki:Heather (WPL) agreed to provide oversight for our wiki after Dec./Jan. She will assess our workflow and do a bit of “weeding” of old documents, etc. She suggests a yearly “weed” as a regular thing.
Jean C. (HML) will delete the draft minutes that have accumulated (for now). Irene B. (NPS) suggests having a line on each page if we want a naming protocol or archiving statement clearly articulated.
Workshops for the future:
- We are budgeted for two workshops. One could happen in February and one in April
- Our “Plan of Service”/focus this time is Future of Reference, so that can continue to be our theme.
- Topic possibility: eBook resourcesMary H. (MCFL) suggested a presentation on eBook issues and brought forward the name of Ann Awakuni from Santa Clara County Libraries as a possible speaker. She offered to follow up.
Jean C. (HML) suggested there is interest in eResources/devices. Mary noted that Seaside is doing something on that topic in the near future, and Inga L. (MPL) mentioned something similar to take place at Monterey PL. Laura D. (CAB) added that netLibrary and other platform-based ePublishers may be of interest, too.
- Topic possibility: Screencasting for InstructionScreencasting: plan a workshop with a “takeaway” for participants. Note we’d need a wired presentation space so final products could be uploaded. Several free/low-cost resources for screencasting suggested: ScreenToaster, Jing.
Agenda-building for next time
- Joint meeting with SPLAMBA (Inga to look into this)
- MegaMeeting demo for this group
- New InfoPeople Workshops to consider
- In January: Heather will report on the “state of the wiki”
- For Admin Council: what can we use the workshop money for? We need guidelines.We are not currently hiring presenters, but doing the presentations using available “talent” from our own libraries. Can we spend the money originally earmarked for presenters on other things, such as software, or participant-takeaways like flip cameras?