Ref Committee Meeting Minutes: November 2012
Mobac Reference Committee Meeting: November 25, 2012 Present: Inga Labeaune (MPL), Jean Chapin (HML), Ann Jacobson (NPS), Pamela Jungerberg (MIIS), Frank Gravier (UCSC), Deborah Ruiz (MPC), Laura Dickie (Cabrillo) Georg Romero, Admin Rep (Cabrillo) Recorder: Laura Dickie (Cabrillo) Public Comments — none Reports Administrative Council report given by Georg Romero. According to Brown Act, the MOBAC Reference Committee may ‘attend to any level of rigor you are comfortable with’ as far as how we conduct our meetings and take minutes. Our minutes are ‘action minutes’. The MOBAC committees were formed to answer the need of the Admin Council to share resources, maintain a joint catalog, etc. The Admin Council will reaffirm existence of committees at the end of the year. Philosophical change is Administrative Council appoints the committees and the committees get funding. Admin Council has authority, and each committee has a charter. If needed, ask Admin Council about updating and reviewing Reference Committee documents. Tech Committee – Upon reading the minutes from the MOBAC page…Technologies workshop is scheduled for Feb. 1, 9am – 12, at Cabrillo, pending approval from the presenter. ILL Committee – did not meet. SPLAMBA – No report Announcements Vice Chair needs to be selected, as the current chair has a new position outside Reference, and will not be able to serve on the committee. Inga will go through the list of possibilities. Old Business Debriefing of Hands On Workshop. A glowing success! Responses to the evaluation were shared. “Very interesting and exciting presentations on a range of resources!” New Business
We have $500 for the year. Consensus = Reference Statistics Methods – Survey Monkey, Open Source, Lib Answers. Libraries = UCSC, MPC, NPS Suggestions included: Cutting non-fiction to make room for more seating. Apps for iPad & for Reference and research The key speaker at Internet Librarian meeting was excellent (Mary Allen Bates) covering apps for reference. Deep Web Advanced searching Alternatives to Google
Web Searchers Academy, short cuts and scope CR codes – are so last year Reference Shares / Problems News from Libraries was shared. Next meeting January 22 – Inga will email Biatta to confirm the location. Meeting ended 4:45pm Respectfully submitted, Laura Dickie, Cabrillo |