MOBAC Reference Committee Meeting Minutes
May 22, 2012
Dudley Knox Library, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA
Present: Janet Bombard (HML), Jean Chapin (HML), Mary Elturk (PGPL), Sharon Freed (MCFL), Frank Gravier (UCSC), Pamela Jungerberg (MIIS), Kathy Norton (NPS), Janie Silveria (CSUMB).
Call to Order.
Greeting and welcome from Eleanor Uhlinger, University Librarian.
Recorder assigned.
March and April minutes approved.
No additional agenda items.
Admin. Council – No Admin. Council meeting since the last time we met. The next Admin. Council meeting will be on June 8th.
Tech. Committee – The committee’s program “What a Long Strange Trip It’s Been: Creating the Grateful Dead Archive Online” is scheduled for June 1st at Cabrillo College.
ILL Committee – No meeting since the last time we met.
SPLAMBA – Video from the Children with Autism workshop will be posted on their website.
Old Business.
Follow up on Beyond Print workshop – Evaluations summarized and posted to wiki. Favorable overall
Database progress – No news regarding current selections. A compilation of discussions related to the Database Selection Process has been posted to the wiki.
Revised procedures for selecting chairs and vice-chairs – An acceptance log for MOBAC Reference Committee chairs has been posted to the wiki.
Current Awareness Resources – Attendees reviewed current list and made some suggestions for changes. Jean will post list to wiki and solicit more updates from the Reference Committee. Members can add these to the wiki themselves if they like.
New Business.
Planning for Hands-On – A committee is needed. If we can’t find enough volunteers it will need to be the work of the larger Reference Committee. Kathy and Jean are checking a couple of possible venues. During the course of discussing possible themes the committee acknowledged move away from “hands-on.” “Future of Reference,” “Hidden Treasures,” “Discovery,” are some possibilities for a new frame or foundation for the annual workshop going forward. The Beyond Print survey asked about interest in other workshops and this information can be used to develop the program for this year’s (formerly) Hands-On. Jean will start a list of potential topics on the wiki. Reference books are still welcome. One suggestion was to have a BYOB (bring your own book) portion in the program.
Reference Committee membership – We continue to contact and encourage MOBAC libraries to send representatives to the committee meetings.
WorldCat renewal – Some libraries, UCSC and CSUMB, will renew as part of their respective systems. Admin. Council is discussing this as well.
Future Agenda Items.
Review of MOBAC Reference Committee website.
Reference Shares / Problems.
Special Guest.
The Reference Committee had the pleasure of meeting with Andrea Davis, a Library Journal “Mover and Shaker” for 2012, and Reference and Instruction Librarian at NPS. It was wonderful to have the opportunity to congratulate her in person and to hear the she would be interested in participating in the committee’s Annual workshop. We look forward to seeing what she comes up with!
respectfully submitted,
Frank Gravier, UCSC