Ref Committee Meeting Minutes: March 2012

MOBAC Reference Committee Meeting Minutes

March 27, 2012 – Monterey Institute of International Studies

Present: Jean Chapin CHAIR (HML), Sarah Dahlen (CSUMB), Laura Dickie (CAB), Mary Elturk (PGPL), Pamela Jungerberg (MIIS), Kathy Norton (NPS), Jim Tarjan (SCPL).

Recorder: Pamela Jungerberg

Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 2:00 pm.

Additions/Changes to the Agenda:

Revisit old MOBAC practice of libraries specializing in collection, for the purpose of building on existing specialized collections and reducing duplication of spending.

Adoption of the Minutes of February 2011:

Motion to approve the February minutes (Pamela), seconded (Jean), and unanimously approved.


Administrative Council:

  1. Next meeting is in April.
  2. Reference Committee has not been given any new tasks.


Technology Committee:

Upcoming workshop on the technological aspects involved in setting up The Grateful Dead Archives (UCSC). Date and place to be determined. Attendance by other MOBAC committee members is encouraged.


ILL Committee:

  1. They’ve completed the Delivery Survey. Results are not yet posted.
  2. No update regarding their task on alternative fulfillment of ILL services

SPLAMBA: No report.

MOBAC Strategic Plan workgroups:

Tech Committee is working on video instructions and uploading video to MOBAC site.



Reminder to update the MOBAC website “Survey of Publicly Available Technologies” if you have not already done so.  Jean gave a demo how to log on to the MOBAC website and make the changes.


Old Business:

  1. Co-Chair: Kathy Norton (NPS) accepts. Beginning in July, she will be working with Inga Labeaune (MPL).  Discussion of whether to re-evaluate existing chair appointment technique, i.e. alphabetical rotation based on name of library. When a library passes, should they be asked again before the entire cycle?  This discussion will be tabled until next meeting.
  2. Social Media Social follow-up: Mary Elturk (PGPL) reported 20 people attended, evaluations were positive, and there is interest in doing it again. She will send out an email/Facebook post to all participants with some follow-up questions.
  3. “Beyond Print” workshop planning: Confirmed location (MCFL – Seaside); identified presenters from MPL, HML, MCFL, AND CSUMB with an additional presenter from CAB or UCSC to be determined; agreed on a panel format where each presenter talks briefly and then the program is open to Q&A; suggestion to look into having a large screen computer projector available.
  4. Database evaluation progress: All public libraries have submitted their selection list except San Benito. Most academic libraries did not submit selections since vendors will not negotiate with them. Not yet known when results will be posted or how it’s going to work, but we will know soon. Subscriptions will begin July 1, 2012.
  5. Preliminary list of databases of interest to academic and public: Suggestion to group by vendor


New Business:

a. Revisit old MOBAC practice of member libraries specializing in subject collection: This practice began decades ago, when budgets were better. Libraries used to collect heavily in a specified subject and/or language, e.g. HML – art, PGPL – plays, SCPL – art, sheet music, genealogy. Patrons could be referred to these informal special collections. Discussion of whether emphasis on collection building in these areas still exists at libraries, and how might we use this information. Suggestion to add to MOBAC survey.


Reference Shares:

  1. Question regarding satisfaction with Credo reference: Subscribers indicate that the Credo collection is dated, many of the query responses are brief, and there are sometimes “odd results.”
  2. Tax forms: PGPL has a lot of 1040s if anyone wants any. There is a general shortage of 540s.
  3. Library Savings Calculator?:
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