June 22, 2010, 2 PM-4:30 PM
Monterey County Free Libraries
Castroville Branch Library
Present: Heather Geddes (WPL), Irene Berry (NPS), Mary Housel (MCFL), Pamela Jungerberg (PGPL), Georg Romero (CAB), Laura Dickie (CAB), Jean Chapin (HML), Janet Cubbage (Admin Liaison, HML), Erika Johnson (MIIS), Janie Silveria (CSUMB)
Call to order
Laura Dickie was introduced by Georg Romero as the new reference librarian and MOBACREF representative from Cabrillo College.
Addition to Agenda: Selection of new reference committee chair
Adoption of May 25, 2010 minutes as posted on PBWiki (http://mobacref.pbworks.com )
- Splamba: Summer Reading Programs are in full swing
- ILL: Two items suggested by Administrative Council were discussed: 1.) consideration of possible name change to the Resource Sharing Committee (it was not clear if the change was one of semantics or responsibilities) and 2.) consideration of centralized ILL being conducted for all MOBAC libraries. There was also a discussion of the different ILL tools libraries are using. The group concluded that ideas from Administrative Council are ideas to consider, not mandates.
- Administrative: The Literacy Task Force presented a report from their group’s meetings. The Reference Committee would like to see reports from this group posted on the MOBAC website.
Old Business
- New Reference Committee Chair: It was proposed and adopted that we team up a chair and chair-elect that represent both public and academic libraries. Generally the chairs have been selected in alphabetical order by library. The new chair for 2010/11 will be Janie Silveria with Jean Chapin as the Chair Elect. New member and new chair guidelines will be located and submitted for posting on the MOBAC website.
- Meeting dates for 2010-11 are on the PBwiki and members should sign up. The October meeting was moved up one week from 10/26 to 10/19 to avoid a conflict with the Internet Librarian conference week.
- Maintenance of Website: The MOBAC website maintenance will be continued by Georg Romero, Cabrillo through August. The Administrative Council will review and reevaluate website responsibilities for the future, possibly including the Technology Committee. The question was raised of whether anyone knows if the public is viewing the website now that the password has been removed.
- Career Transitions Database: Last month, the group asked whether or not Career Transitions database was available to academics. It is not.
- Hands On Committee: Jean Chapin, Pamela Jungerberg, and Irene Berry met and produced a list of possible topic ideas for the Hands On Workshop scheduled for October 1, 2010 at MPC. The Reference committee liked all of the ideas presented and added the idea that all participants write and bring a paragraph review of their favorite reference book to share at the Hands On Workshop. Other ideas suggested included having Altarama present a short overview at Hands On or perhaps present a full workshop on a different day. The group discussed having Joan Frye Williams come to present a “Future of Reference” workshop. MOBAC Reference Focus Group notes from July 19, 2005 were pulled up on the Internet from systemref.org to view past ideas. Heather Geddes volunteered to be MC for the Hands On Workshop.
New Business
- Representatives for MOBAC strategic plan committees:
- Staff Development, planning and training committee: Heather Geddes
- MOBAC website committee: Irene Berry
- Our chair will send an email to solicit volunteers for other committees including the Remote attendance committee
Reference shares/Problems
News from the Libraries
A demonstration of a new database at MCFL: A to Z the USA was demonstrated for the group
The meeting adjourned at 4:30 PM
Minutes submitted by Mary Housel