Ref Committee Meeting Minutes: Jun 2012

Mobac Reference Committee Meeting: June 26, 2012
June 26, 2012: 2pm meeting, San Benito County Free Library, Hollister


Present: Nora Conte (SBCL), Inga Labeaune (MPL), Jean Chapin (HML), Kathy Norton (NPS), Betty Mason (SBCL), Pamela Jungerberg (MIIS)
Jean called meeting to order at 2:15pm. Lots of great snacks.

Recorder: Betty Mason, SBCFL
Approval of May minutes: no quorum


Additions to agenda – no, due to Brown Act.

Announcements- Chair and Chair-elect for next year is Inga Labeaune (chair) & Kathy Norton (chair-elect)


Administrative Council report given by Nora Conte.  Brief Overview of June 8th meeting. Georg Romero (Cabrillo) is Chair and Lisa Maddalena (PGPL) is Vice-Chair. Reports were made by MOBAC committees.   WorldCat discussion by libraries was to whether to stay or not to stay. Contract with OCLC will go forward for 12/13.  Continued membership PLP was discussed, then tabled and topic will be continued for further discussion.  Discussion of what makes a Committee versus Community of Interest.  A handout “MOBAC: Difference between a Committee and a Community of Interest (or Practice) as related to the Brown Act and Roberts Rules of Order” was prepared by Teresa Landers and distributed.


Tech Committee – 3 presenters at Tech Committee workshop “What a Long Strange Trip Its Been: Creating the Grateful Dead Archive Online” held on June 1st, Cabrillo College. Next workshop may be “making websites user-friendly/accessible for everyone.


ILL Committee – Admin. Council charge to ILL Committee to report on different delivery systems which was sent out to the to the MOBAC committees.  Santa Cruz will pilot Fulfillment system (patron driven) as alternative to the present ILL system.  Holdings will not display for those libraries that do not subscribe to WorldCat.


SPLAMBA – No report
MOBAC Strategic Plan workgroups – done or postponed (topic taken off agenda)




Old Business


·         Finalize list of libraries not in MOBAC for admin council – No quorum


·       Hands-On Ref Workshop continued – “Future of Reference” is theme of next MOBAC  Reference Workshop and possible dates are early October 3rd or 4th, or the following week on October 10th or 11th. Inga will MC 2012 October Ref Workshop.  Five presentations including speedy book reviews (bring your own book); Library Anywhere by Doug Holtzman; Boopsie – PLP pkg. download. Possible sites: Watsonville, UCSC, Marina, CSUMB, Cabrillo, MPC. Will not conflict with “Internet Librarian Conference” from October 22-24 in Monterey.

New Business

  • ·         MOBAC website- what should we remove from documents


Reference Shares / Problems

News from Libraries was shared.

No meeting in July

Next meeting August 28, 1 p.m. at Phil’s Fish House, Moss Landing

Meeting ended at 4:00pm



Respectfully Submitted,


Betty Mason, SBCL

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