MOBAC Reference Committee Meeting Minutes
January 22, 2013
Monterey County Free Libraries – Castroville Branch
Call to order: 2:00pm Attendance: Inga Labeaune-MPL, Deborah Ruiz-MPC, Janie Silveria-CSUMB, Julie Richards, SCPL, Beata Obydzinkski-MCFL, Lisa Duff-Salinas, Mary Elturk-PG, Betty J. Mason-SBC, Jean Chapin-HML, Heather Geddes-WPL, Pamela Jungerberg-MIIS.
Recorder: Deborah. (Agenda for the meeting was posted 72 hours in advance of the meeting.)
Approval of Minutes:
November 27, 2013: Minutes unavailable and will be approved at the February Meeting. Pamela Jungerberg contributed unofficial notes to be used as a placeholder and memory tickler. (Thanks!)
Public Comments: None
Reports from MOBAC Committees
- Administrative Council: Jean reported.
- News from SCPL , ILL under discussion, depends on issues with their ILS.
- Califa is moving forward with their EBooks project. Their funding is stable, they will host a server with owned not leased content (based on Douglas County model).
- Janie asked if it was for publics only, answer not known by group members.
- At the next Admin Meeting (3/8/132, 9:30 at Salinas), Espresso (on demand book printing) will be demoed, has some ILL possibilities, has been most useful for self- published authors. PLP has an Espresso Book Machine.
- Sign up on MOBAC website for email reflectors.
- AC approved their strategic plan.
- Tech Committee: No one reported, however their next workshop on Webpage Usability was mentioned, it’s on 2/1/13, 9:30am, Cabrillo.
- ILL Committee: Jean reported:
- Revision of the ILL manual has begun, hasn’t been done since the 2004! Some discussion of libraries who are doing ILL, Harrison does and charges $2.00, Watsonville does with no charge, SCPL trying to sort out Fullfillment /ILS issues, San Benito only charges if ILL is not picked up. MCPL charges $2.00. Jean discussed migration from WorldCat to WorldShare.
- SPLAMBA: None.
- OTHER: Beata reported that even though she sent corrections for MCFL, none of her corrections were included in latest PLP directory and she tossed it! Check your library for accuracy.
Old Business
- Vice Chair Selection: Inga tried to find a Vice Chair and the next person on the list was PG, Mary had to decline as Lisa Maddelena (Children’s) is retiring and the whole staff is being reorganized. PG is also beginning a pay equity study. Discussion had about Admin Council needing to know that they have to support Ref Staff to take leadership of the Ref Committee. Lisa was asked to become VC and she will check her obligations. In the mean time Inga volunteered to chair another year, until July 2014. Yippee, a sigh of relief and THANKS from the group.
- Workshops – Select two for spring
– Reference Statistics: It was decided to have the Reference Statistics meeting sometime time in May. Deborah will check availability of MPC for hosting on 5/10 (1st priority), 5/3 (2nd priority) and let Inga know so that Inga can check with Heather for hosting possibilities. Janie will check with Sarah Dahlen to present on taking stats using Google forms/docs. Jean reported that Admin Council was very interested in this workshop, people get excited about how other libraries keep stats.
– Research Apps: Inga will check with the presenter who did the CLA workshop to see if she can come in March. Heather offered WPL to host if MPC does the Ref Stats.
– Other: None
New Business:
- Mary wanted to know if anyone wanted to see/hear the Britannica Rep at the next meeting. All agreed it would be good to give Britannica 15 minutes on the agenda.
- Heather reminded everyone that February is the time to update their libraries tech services survey on the wiki. Inga will send out reminder procedures and passwords to everyone.
- Heather will add Inga administrative rights on the MOBAC website.
Reference Shares/Problems
- Jean mentioned that JobScout was free right now, those not using it can give it a trial. Great for jobseeking and training. ( Also doing a MANGO promotion for Valentine’s Day, called How to say I love you in 37 languages.
- was mentioned by Inga as a great place to find children’s books in other languages.
Next meeting – February 26, Pacific Grove Public Library – Little House