Mobac Reference Committee Meeting Minutes
January 24, 2 pm
Marina Branch of the MCFL
Present: Pamela Jungerberg (MIIS), Jim Tarjan (SCPL), Jean Chapin (HML), Janie Silveria (CSUMB), Mary Elturk (PGPL), Inga Labeaune (MPL), Sharon Freed (MCFL), Betty J. Mason (SBCO)
Recorder – Janie Silveria
Approval of November 2011 minutes – moved, seconded, passed
Additions to agenda – ILL policy/practices
Administrative Council – Jean reported on the December meeting, which primarily concerned followup from the retreat (our committee tasks below, under New Business). Council liaison attendance at committee meetings was discussed, and backup liaisons were appointed.
Tech Committee – There were questions about the video production workshop and equipment. [Per Steve Watkins, there will be an FAQ posted soon, on the MOBAC website under Professional Development. Currently there’s a link to a video clip on setting up the equipment, plus a link to the first half of the 2011 Hands-on Workshop.]
ILL Committee – is investigating alternative delivery options and ILL options.
SPLAMBA – no report
MOBAC Strategic Plan workgroups – no report
Old Business
Workshop planning for 2012. Previous suggestions:
- A social to talk about social media. – According to Council, this can only be held at a private residence if it is after regular working hours. We discussed alternative locations, and decided to schedule this event at the PG Library on March 9, 9 am to noon. Jean will make a flyer and request $50 for refreshments.
- Marketing reference (handselling books and databases, etc.)
- Beyond Print : The Reference collection (moving books to the circulating collection, replacing print with e-resources, weeding) – Will plan this workshop for May.
Database evaluation progress- Inga reported that the PLP trial period has been extended to February 11. Individual librarians should continue (or start!) to evaluate individual databases and complete the online surveys. Academic libraries should send suggestions for databases to be reviewed to Lorrita Ford, Each MOBAC library should send a shortlist of desired databases, in priority order, to Inga
New Business
1. Need to replace Mary Housel as vice-chair. – Jean will ask Deborah if she is willing.
2. Update Survey of Publicly Available Technologies – Each library, check your listing and make changes as needed. [Login mobacref, password mobacREF1. Choose “visit site”, find the page, then click “edit.”]
3. Admin Council requests we make a list of libraries in the MOBAC area that are not MOBAC members (special libraries, private schools, DLI, etc.) Need by August. – Committee brainstormed and came up with an initial list, which Jean will post on the wiki for edits and additions. Need to determine whether these libraries still have collections and staffing.
4. Admin Council requests we identify database alternatives, if we are not working with PLP. Compare status quo vs. alternatives. MOBAC cost vs. PLP cost vs. individual subscriptions. Califa membership cost for MOBAC alone vs. PLP. They would also like current PLP database statistics: usage, cost/use. Public library only? Public and academic? Need by August.
Tall order, maybe not totally doable. One piece we can complete is the past year’s usage/costs; Jean will send an email requesting statistics. Cost for Califa membership this year was $5530; need to find out if this would change if we’re not in PLP. More discussion next month.
5. ILL practices – SC, PG and MP have suspended ILL; most others are charging for this service.
Reference Shares/Problems
- Someone stealing DVDs at MPL and leaving cases behind
- Jean recommended – free, has a “savings calculator” to let users see what they’re saving by checking out library books vs. buying
News from Libraries – no time; meeting was adjourned around 5 pm.