MOBAC Reference Committee Meeting
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Phil’s Restaurant, Moss Landing
Call to order
In Attendance:
Janie Silveria, CSUMB (Chair)
Pamela Jungerberg, PGPL
Jean Chapin, HML
Irene Berry, NPS
Mary Housel, MCFL
Pam Downing, SCPL
Deborah Ruiz, MPC
Bill Rawson, HCL
Frank Gravier, UCSC
Heather Geddes, WPL
Bjorn Jones, Salinas
Inga Labeaune, MPL
Additions/Changes to the Agenda
Adoption of June 22, 2010 Meeting Minutes
- Admin: The MOBAC strategic plan has been approved. The council needs committee members to volunteer and serve on sub-committees. Irene, Heather, and Bill each volunteered to serve on committees.
- Tech Committee: Deborah Stephens is the new chair. The committee is developing a workshop on mobile apps. and websites in the coming year.
- ILL Committee: A request from admin to consider a name change has been rescinded and will be part of a bigger discussion in the strategic plan. They are determining how members can provide input to the strategic plan sub-committees.
- SPLAMBA: Libraries are wrapping up their SRP programs.
Old Business
- Hands on Workshop – Committee of Pamela, Deborah, Jean, and Irene are working on getting speakers. The topic of the event will be the future of reference. We will do a section of “speedy” (5min) book reviews on the RUSA books. We will try to use mega meeting to have a presentation on altarama. The date for the workshop is Friday October 1st.
- Reps to Strategic Plan Sub-Committees –
- Heather Geddes – Staff Development
- Irene Berry – Communication (website redesign)
- Bill Rawson – Technology (investigate technology for remote meeting attendance)
- Meetings in future:
September: None, too close to date of Hands on Workshop
October: Watsonville
November: Cabrillo, Watsonville Center
December: None
January: Salinas
February: San Benito
New Business
- Annual Report – Janie will work on it and then email for members to comment on.
- Reference Resources / Problem Solving
- News from the libraries
Minutes by Heather Geddes.