PLP Chronology

Pacific Library Partnership


August 15, 2006
Date of initial planning meeting, entitled “Planning for Consolidation of CLSA Cooperative Systems,” sponsored by the State Library. The System Director/Coordinator and an Administrative Council Member from each system is invited.  BALIS, PLS, SVLS, and MOBAC agree to form a Fishbowl Group to further explore the opportunities and risks of system consolidation.


Fall 2006
Fishbowl Group presents the concept of consolidation to each other’s Administrative Councils.


October 5, 2006
Fishbowl Group meets.


November 12, 2006
Fishbowl Group meets at CLA to explore grant opportunities.


December 7, 2006
Fishbowl Group examines and evaluates common needs and interests and agrees to submit two LSTA proposals to the State Library for funding:  Big Box Programming and Library Delivery 2.0.


March 20, 2007
BALIS/MOBAC/PLS/SVLS System Consolidation Planning Directors meeting, Fairmont, San Jose


July 10, 2007
Fishbowl Group meets to discuss the issues and to begin to create the White Paper.


August 28, 2007
Fishbowl Group meets to further refine the issues and further develop the White Paper.


November 30, 2007
BALIS/MOBAC/PLS/SVLS System Consolidation Planning Directors Membership Symposium, Stanford Park Hotel, Menlo Park.


January 18, 2008
BALIS Administrative Council approves “BALIS merging with the other systems and to take whatever steps necessary to achieve that end.”


February 5, 2008
Fishbowl Group meeting at PLS.


February 7, 2008
PLS Administrative Council approves a motion “to merge with other Bay Area systems (SVLS/BALIS/MOBAC). The vote was unanimous for consolidation.”


February 8, 2008
SVLS Administrative Council approves a motion “to send a letter to the California State Library confirming the intention to merge with the other Bay Area Systems.”


March 14, 2008
MOBAC Administrative Council approves “ the request to the Library of California Board to join the broader consolidated System along with the other Bay Area systems. The vote was unanimous for consolidation.”


May 20, 2008
Fishbowl Group meets at the Naval Postgraduate School and brainstorm the name of the consolidated System – the White Paper is promulgated and the Pacific Library Partnership is born!


August  7, 2008
Library of California Board approves joint notice of intent to consolidate BALIS, MOBAC, PLS, and SVLS into one
cooperative system, to be known as the Pacific Library Partnership.


September 25, 2008
Fishbowl Group meets at PLS to review the legal documents: JPA and Bylaws.


November 7, 2008
MOBAC Administrative Council votes unanimously to approve MOBAC joining the Pacific Library Partnership JPA.


November 21, 2008
BALIS Administrative Council votes unanimously to approve BALIS joining the Pacific Library Partnership JPA.


December 4, 2008
Fishbowl Group meets at PLS to review draft documents, including the PLP JPA, Bylaws, Chronology, Timeline and Talking Points.


December 4, 2008
PLS Administrative Council votes to approve PLS joining the Pacific Library Partnership JPA.


December 5, 2008
SVLS Administrative Council votes to approve SVLS joining the Pacific Library Partnership JPA.


Revised 12/04/08

Updated 12/08/08

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