Pacific Library Partnership
- August 15, 2006
- Date of initial planning meeting, entitled “Planning for Consolidation of CLSA Cooperative Systems,” sponsored by the State Library. The System Director/Coordinator and an Administrative Council Member from each system is invited. BALIS, PLS, SVLS, and MOBAC agree to form a Fishbowl Group to further explore the opportunities and risks of system consolidation.
- Fall 2006
- Fishbowl Group presents the concept of consolidation to each other’s Administrative Councils.
- October 5, 2006
- Fishbowl Group meets.
- November 12, 2006
- Fishbowl Group meets at CLA to explore grant opportunities.
- December 7, 2006
- Fishbowl Group examines and evaluates common needs and interests and agrees to submit two LSTA proposals to the State Library for funding: Big Box Programming and Library Delivery 2.0.
- March 20, 2007
- BALIS/MOBAC/PLS/SVLS System Consolidation Planning Directors meeting, Fairmont, San Jose
- July 10, 2007
- Fishbowl Group meets to discuss the issues and to begin to create the White Paper.
- August 28, 2007
- Fishbowl Group meets to further refine the issues and further develop the White Paper.
- November 30, 2007
- BALIS/MOBAC/PLS/SVLS System Consolidation Planning Directors Membership Symposium, Stanford Park Hotel, Menlo Park.
- January 18, 2008
- BALIS Administrative Council approves “BALIS merging with the other systems and to take whatever steps necessary to achieve that end.”
- February 5, 2008
- Fishbowl Group meeting at PLS.
- February 7, 2008
- PLS Administrative Council approves a motion “to merge with other Bay Area systems (SVLS/BALIS/MOBAC). The vote was unanimous for consolidation.”
- February 8, 2008
- SVLS Administrative Council approves a motion “to send a letter to the California State Library confirming the intention to merge with the other Bay Area Systems.”
- March 14, 2008
- MOBAC Administrative Council approves “ the request to the Library of California Board to join the broader consolidated System along with the other Bay Area systems. The vote was unanimous for consolidation.”
- May 20, 2008
- Fishbowl Group meets at the Naval Postgraduate School and brainstorm the name of the consolidated System – the White Paper is promulgated and the Pacific Library Partnership is born!
- August 7, 2008
- Library of California Board approves joint notice of intent to consolidate BALIS, MOBAC, PLS, and SVLS into one
cooperative system, to be known as the Pacific Library Partnership. - September 25, 2008
- Fishbowl Group meets at PLS to review the legal documents: JPA and Bylaws.
- November 7, 2008
- MOBAC Administrative Council votes unanimously to approve MOBAC joining the Pacific Library Partnership JPA.
- November 21, 2008
- BALIS Administrative Council votes unanimously to approve BALIS joining the Pacific Library Partnership JPA.
- December 4, 2008
- Fishbowl Group meets at PLS to review draft documents, including the PLP JPA, Bylaws, Chronology, Timeline and Talking Points.
- December 4, 2008
- PLS Administrative Council votes to approve PLS joining the Pacific Library Partnership JPA.
- December 5, 2008
- SVLS Administrative Council votes to approve SVLS joining the Pacific Library Partnership JPA.
Revised 12/04/08
Updated 12/08/08