Administrative Council Minutes: Jun 2010

MOBAC Administrative Council Meeting

June 11, 2010

Santa Cruz Public Library, Aptos Branch

Action Minutes


Jayanti Addleman (MCFL), Teresa Landers (SCZ), Georg Romero (CAB), Kim Bui-Burton (MPL), Peggy Mayfield (HCL), Carol Heitzig (WAT), Monica Wilmot (MIIS), Jean Chapin (HML),


Judy Sulsona (Consultant), Heather Geddes (WAT), Leslie Payne (MCFL), Donna Truong (MOBAC), Kathy Krause (MOBAC)

Proxy: Teresa Landers (SCZ) for Ginny Steel (UCSC) and Eleanor Uhlinger (NPS)

Monica Wilmot (MIIS) for Peter Liu (MIIS)

Peggy Mayfield (HCL) for Robin Clouse (MPC)

Jean Chapin (HML) for Janet Cubbage (HML)

Kim Bui-Burton (MPL) for Lisa Maddalena (PGL)


▪   The June 11, 2010 meeting was held at Aptos Branch Library and was chaired by Jayanti Addleman.

▪   Agenda:  Agenda approved as written

▪   Minutes:  Minutes of April 9, 2010 approved as written

▪   Teresa updated Council on the May 14th PLP Annual Meeting and a June conference call of the Executive Committee. She reviewed the goals and action steps of the PLP Strategic Plan.  Anne Marie Gold has been hired as consultant to develop options for the Participation Fee for PLP member libraries.

▪   The deadline for Easy Aid grants for PLP Members is June 15th with grant awards given on June 30.  The grants are for up to $750 each.  If the total amount of $20,000 is not spent in the first round of awards, there will be a second round.

▪   A meeting will be held in January for all PLP Directors and the next PLP Annual Meeting will be held May 13, 2011.

▪   Judy Sulsona gave a power point presentation on the new MOBAC Strategic Plan.

MSP:  to accept the MOBAC Strategic Plan 2010-2013


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