Administrative Council Minutes: Feb 2010

MOBAC Administrative Council Meeting

February 12, 2010

Monterey County, Castroville Branch Library

Action Minutes


Jayanti Addleman (MCFL), Carol Heitzig (WAT), Teresa Landers (SCZ), Georg Romero (CAB), Peggy Mayfield (HCL), Kim Bui-Burton (MPL), Eleanor Uhlinger (NPS),  Ginny Steel (UCSC), Shuk Auyeung (GAV), Peter Liu (MIIS), Nora Conte (SBE),


Monica Wilmot (MIIS), Heather Geddes (WPL), Stephanie Lane (NCCLLN), Judy Sulsona (Consultant), Donna Truong (MOBAC), Kathy Krause (MOBAC)

Proxy: None


▪   The February 12, 2010 meeting was held at the Castroville Branch Library and was chaired by Jayanti Addleman.

▪   Agenda: The Strategic Plan Update was changed to later in the agenda to allow Judy Solsona, Strategic Plan Consultant, time to attend the meeting.

▪   Agenda approved as amended.

▪   Minutes of December 11, 2009 approved as written.

▪   The MOBAC Council acknowledged the importance of resource sharing but also affirmed the need for each library to manage their own budgetary situations as they saw fit.

▪   Monica Wilmot gave the ILL Report.  The ILL Committee had their first workshop last Tuesday.  The next workshop is planned for April and will be on automated software systems and link plus.  Donna will look at some available dates in the spring for the half-day Open Source workshop with Lori Ayre.

▪   Heather Geddes gave the Reference Report.  The Reference Services workshop will be held at Watsonville Public Library on March 18th.  The next meeting will focus on the Strategic Plan and budget.

▪   Kim gave the SPLAMBA Report.  She reviewed the SPLAMBA Annual Report included in the agenda packet.  SPLAMBA will continue to have one meeting a year with the Reference Committee.  They will also start rotating their meetings due to members having difficulty in attending meetings.  SPLAMBA will have a workshop in the Spring for library staff.  This year’s topic will be “Libraries, Literacy, and Brain Development in the Digital Age”.

▪   Jayanti gave the Technology Committee Report.  The Technology group is working on a new workshop but there has been a problem with finding and confirming a speaker for the workshop.  They have invited the PLP Technology group to their meetings.

▪   Stephanie Lane from NCCLLN gave the Literacy Taskforce report.  She reviewed the history and focus of the Taskforce.  There will be a workshop open to tutors on May 5th at the Marina Library on Dyslexia.  On June 9th there will be a workshop at the San Benito County Library given by Kathy St. John for staff and tutors.

▪   Kim reported for the Circulation Taskforce.  The taskforce is considering a meeting of primary circulation staff so they can decide whether there is a need for a Circ Taskforce.

▪   Kim and Eleanor reported on the Strategic Planning, PLP “Meeting the Challenge” meeting that was held on February 8th at the San Jose Public Library.  Ginny also attended this meeting.  The Directors discussed the vision, mission and value of the Strategic Plan and reviewed the survey results.  Notes from the meeting will be distributed to everyone.  The next PLP Strategic Planning meeting will be March 1.  There will be a PLP Finance Committee meeting held to work on developing the fee structure for member libraries.

▪   Donna reported that PLP did not receive the BTOP grant but a second round of grants has been initiated.  The next grant will focus on a job center model that can be replicated by the libraries.

▪   Judy Sulsona, Strategic Planning Consultant, reviewed her progress on the Plan and discussed what the next steps will be.  She will meet with each of the MOBAC Committees to discuss their concerns.  Jayanti will set up a Doodle for the Directors with the choice of two dates, March 19th or March 26th to hold the Strategic Plan Retreat.

▪   Agenda Building:

▪   PLP Update

▪   Strategic Plan Update

▪   ILL Update

▪   Budget


Next MOBAC Council meeting:  Friday, April 9, 2010 at the Monterey Public Library                                                                 Council Chambers

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