MOBAC Administrative Council Meeting
December 10, 2010
Watsonville Public Library
Revised Action Minutes
Teresa Landers (SCZ), Eleanor Uhlinger (NPS), Georg Romero (CAB), Kim Bui-Burton (MPL), Peggy Mayfield (HCL), Janet Cubbage (HML), Carol Heitzig (WAT), Peter Liu (MIIS), Shuk Auyeung (GAV), Elizabeth Martinez (SAL), Lisa Maddalena (PGPL)
Moncia Wilmot (MIIS), Doug Holtzman (MPL), Janie Silveria (CSUMB), Toni Notar (WAT), Linda Crowe (PLP/MOBAC), Donna Truong (PLP/MOBAC) and Kathy Krause (PLP/MOBAC)
Eleanor Uhlinger (NPS) for Ginny Steel (UCSC)
The December 10, 2010 meeting was held at Watsonville Public Library and chaired by Peggy Mayfield.
Agenda: Agenda approved as distributed
Minutes: October 8, 2010 minutes approved as distributed.
Administrative Business
PLP Update – Teresa/Eleanor
New Proposed Participation Fee: Teresa and Eleanor distributed a powerpoint presentation and reported on the new membership fee structure proposal. The consultant, Anne Marie Gold and the PLP Executive Committee wanted to develop a fee structure that would be: easily understood, equitable, consistently applied, and ensure continued participation for all libraries. Increases and decreases will be phased in over four years. Donna will set up a conference call for Friday, January 14th at 1:00 p.m. to further discuss the new proposed participation fee. All information for the new PLP proposed fees will be placed on the website.
Terry Jackson is reviewing the systems’ committees; which committees are still needed, if new ones are needed and whether some committees should be changed to Communities of Interest.
All PLP Directors will meet January 31, 2011 at the San Jose Public Library to discuss the New PLP Participation Fee. The general meeting will be at 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. and the Executive Committee will meet from 1:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Directors, please try to attend. More information will be sent out at a later date.
Strategic Planning Goal Reports – Mayfield
Draft D.2 Formal Guidelines and Tools for Advocating for Services within the MOBAC Region – Bui-Burton
Kim reviewed the draft policy included in the agenda packet in support of libraries regionally and on the local level. Teresa, Peggy and Kim will develop a toolkit with more detail and links to value statements, websites, templates and resolutions.
Draft E. 1 Revised MOBAC Committee Annual Report Form and Current Form – Mayfield
Georg developed a new, easier Committee Annual Report form that is included in the agenda packet.
The Committee Annual Reports will be due by September 30th to be included in the agenda packet with discussion at the following October Council meeting.
ILL Committee Report: Monica reported that the last ILL Committee meeting had very low attendance. The current ILL statistics are up on the website.
Reference Committee: The date of the Ebook workshop will be January 21st at CSU Monterey Bay on the new digital technology and how it impacts libraries.
SPLAMBA: Next SPLAMBA meeting will be Friday, January 17th. At that time they will research ideas for new workshops such as Graphic Novels.
Technology Committee: Cabrillo College Library will host The Future Technology workshop January 28th on Mobile Technology. The Hands On part of the workshop will be in the afternoon with Steve Watkins facilitating. The workshop will be recorded.
Literacy Taskforce: The Literacy Taskforce is doing well with various programs, workshops, tutor programs and a mentoring program.
Chair Report: Peggy reported that the letter that she wrote for San Benito County has been put on hold for now. The city of San Benito is going through a planning session at this time. The letter may be sent at a later date. Peggy also reminded MOBAC members to please continue working on their Strategic Planning projects.
Administration Report: Linda reported that at a Systems meeting she attended in Sacramento, the State Library awarded PLP an LSTA grant for $116,000. The grant is due back to Sacramento January 14th. Please send your suggestions for ways of using the funding to Linda or Terry by Thursday, December 23rd. A list of the suggestions will then be sent to PLP Directors to vote on and ranked in order of desirability. In addition, the State Library discussed how delivery should be counted and that the counts would be done quarterly staring next year.
Agenda Building:
- Budget
- Strategic Plan Goals (include in agenda packet)
Next MOBAC Council meeting: Friday, February 11, 2011 at the Marina Branch Library