MOBAC Administrative Council Meeting
December 11, 2009
Cabrillo College, Sesnon House
Action Minutes
Jayanti Addleman (MCFL), Carol Heitzig (WAT), Teresa Landers (SCZ), Johanna Bowen (CAB), Peggy Mayfield (HCL), Kim Bui-Burton (MPL), Eleanor Uhlinger (NPS), Janet Cubbage (HML), Ginny Steel (UCSC), Shuk Auyeung (GAV)
Karen Brown (MPL), Gregg Yearwood (MPC), Irene Berry (NPS), Georg Romero (CAB), Toni A. Notar (Opportunity To Read, WAT), Donna Truong (MOBAC), Kathy Krause (MOBAC)
Proxy: None
▪ The December 11, 2009 meeting was held at the Cabrillo College, Sesnon House and was chaired by Jayanti Addleman.
▪ Agenda: Approved as written
▪ Teresa Landers, Santa Cruz Public Library, voted yes on removal of password from MOBAC Website.
Minutes of October 9, 2009 approved as amended.
▪ MSP: Past MOBAC Committee minutes will be archived at the PLP office in binders. The website will go public, removing password protection on January 1, 2010. Council will revisit in three months. Directors should contact Irene Berry with any issues.
▪ Judy Sulsona’s Strategic Plan proposal was distributed to Council. The final draft will be due the end of March at a total fee of $4000. Jayanti will resend the survey to the Directors and committees.
▪ MSP: to accept the Judy Sulsona Strategic Plan proposal as written.
▪ Hartnell College Library would like delivery cut back to one day a week; Tuesday. The rest of MOBAC will stay with the new schedule.
▪ MSP: to authorize MOBAC sponsoring an Open Source Open Library half day workshop for $1000. MOBAC members will be able to attend for free. Counting on the date, Jayanti will offer Castroville or Marina Library as the location for the workshop.
▪ Please send as soon as possible any scheduled workshop dates to Jayanti and she will coordinate with Donna to insure that two events are not scheduled on the same day.
▪ The ILL, Reference and Technology Committees gave their Annual Reports. SPLAMBA will give their Annual Report at the next Council meeting.
▪ The ILL Committee will sponsor two Infopeople workshops with $3000 approved from last year’s budget. They would also like to investigate ILL software.
▪ The Reference Committee’s newly created Wiki is a success. The link to the Wiki is on the MOBAC website.
▪ The SPLAMBA Committee will meet six times a year instead of ten times plus a joint meeting with the Reference Committee. The workshop topic will be on Libraries, Literacy and Brain Development and will be scheduled next Spring.
▪ The Technology Committee is scheduling two workshops for the coming fiscal year; the Hands-on workshop and the Future Technologies workshop. The total cost for the two workshops will be $5,000.
▪ Toni Notar, Opportunity to Read (WAT), literacy for adults gave an overview of their activities and opportunities. For more information, the NCCLLN 800 number is; and their website is;
▪ Jayanti plans on attending meetings of all the committees.
▪ First Search has been reinstated. It will expire October 2010.
▪ Kim and Eleanor reviewed highlights of the PLP November 23rd Executive Meeting. The PLP Annual meeting will be May 14th at the Milpitas Library
▪ MOBAC Agenda packets will be sent by email in the future.
This was Johanna’s last Council meeting before retiring. The MOBAC Council would like to thank her for all her support and wish her well in the future.
Agenda Building:
▪ ILL Statement Issues Discussion
▪ SPLAMBA Annual Report
▪ Website Status
▪ Calendar Proposal Dates
▪ Strategic Plan Update
Next MOBAC Council meeting: Friday, February 12, 2010 at the Castroville Library