MOBAC Administrative Council
Friday, April 12, 2013
Santa Cruz City-County Library
Scotts Valley Branch
9:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Action Minutes
Council: Georg Romero (CAB), Kathleen Hanselmann (DLI), Peggy Mayfield (HCL), Stephanie Tetter (MPC), Eleanor Uhlinger (NPS), Carol Heitzig (WAT), Teresa Landers (SCPL)
Others: Jean Chapin (HML), Donna Truong (MOBAC), Doug Holtzman (MPL), Inga Labeaune (MPL), Wendy Kay (SBCFL), Maria Roddy (SAL)
Proxies: Mayfield for Doug Achterman (GAV), Kay for Nora Conte (SBCFL), Holtzman for Kim Bui-Burton (MPL) and Steven Silveria (PAC), Landers for Ginny Steel (UCSC) and Chapin for Janet Bombard (HML)
The April 12, 2013 meeting was held at the Santa Cruz City-County Library, Scotts Valley Branch and chaired by Romero.
1. Agenda: Truong added OCLC Contract FY 13/14 for discussion only. Agenda approved as amended.
2. Minutes: February 8, 2013 approved (Approved: Landers/Hanselmann).
3. PLP Update: Truong reminded directors to attend PLP Annual Meeting at City of Santa Clara Library. The main speaker will be Louis Fox, Executive Director at CENIC, and there will be many great reports on Innovation grants.
4. Strategic Plan-Review/Vision for the Future: Planning Committee – Romero, Landers and Bui-Burton will report at the next Council meeting.
5. Funding for Technology Committee: Approve up to $200 for FY 12/13 (Landers/Tetter).
6. Use of MOBAC fund balance: Up to $13,000 will be used to subsidize PLP membership fees FY 13/14, but each previously subsidized library will be asked if the subsidy continues to be need.
7. MOBAC Administration: Truong reported that the State Library will have CLSA funding for Communications and Delivery only. System Advisory Board and Reference service have been removed from the State CLSA budget.
Agenda building:
• Report from Strategic Planning Committee
• Reconfirm committee/task force
• OCLC Contract FY 13/14
Next MOBAC Council meeting: June 14, 2013 at Pacific Grove, Community Center