MOBAC Administrative Council
Friday, February 10, 2012
9:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
San Benito County Free Library
470 Fifth Street
Hollister, CA 95023
Janet Bombard (HML), Georg Romero (CAB), Eleanor Uhlinger (NPS), Kim Bui-Burton (MPL), Peter Liu (MIIS), Nora Conte (SBL), Teresa Landers (SCL), Ginny Steel (UCSC), Peggy Mayfield (HCL)
Jean Chapin (HML), Donna Truong (MOBAC), Tungyi Kimura (SPL), Kathleen Hanselmann (DLI), Toni A. Notar (WAT), Catherine Webb (MPC)
Proxy: Kim Bui-Burton (MPL) for Lisa Maddalena (PAC) and Jayanti Addleman (MCO)
Tungyi Kimura (SPL) for Elizabeth Martinez (SPL)
Catherine Webb (MPC) for Stephanie Tetter (MPC)
The February 10, 2012 meeting was held at the San Benito County Free Library and chaired by Bombard.
1. Agenda: Agenda approved as distributed (Uhlinger/Landers).
2. Minutes: December 9, 2011 approved as distributed (Landers/Steel).
3. Strategic Goals & Action Plan –The Council reviewed and new due dates were set.
Truong will send the updated plan to the directors and committees.
4. PLP Update – PLP Executive Committee met on January 27th. Library Management Systems white paper from Lori Ayre was discussed. Landers reported that PLP received no CLSA funding from the State Library this year but the system is doing fine. Database selection survey will be due on 2/11/12. PLP will sponsor Discovery & Go, a museum pass program started by Contra Costa County Library.
5. By-Laws: Approved revised By-laws (Romero/Steel)
6. Website-Video Equipment & Processes. MOBAC has two sets of video equipment at Santa Cruz Public Library and CSUMB, which are available to check out for MOBAC or individual use. Guidelines for Recording MOBAC Programs and Events was created by the Technology Committee. Right to Privacy & Right to Publicity Release form for Adult and Minor forms were also created. Council approved guidelines and release forms (Bui-Burton/Steel).
7. Financial Sustainability Brainstorm/Discussion:
- Sponsorships
- Charge for programs and workshops
- Membership fees
- Grants
- Donations
- Fundraising events
- Reducing expenses such as reduced subsidies
- Friends of MOBAC
- MOBAC form separate 501c3
- Who can forgo the subsidy for participation fee and Worldcat/Calcat
8. Identify Needs: Council/Committees-
- Delivery system
- Professional development
- Collegial communication
- Consortial discounts
- Database support for smaller libraries in particular
- Administrative support
- Interaction with the State
- Resource sharing (no cost other than courier)
9. Califa Update-Uhlinger gave a brief report on Califa’s activities.
Agenda building: Financial Sustainability, Identify needs, budget for FY 12/13.
Next MOBAC Council meeting: Hartnell College Library, April 20, 2012