Ref Committee Meeting Minutes: May 2010

May 25, 2010
CSUMB Library

Call to order

present: Mary Housel (MCFL), Pam Downing (SCPL), Bjorn Jones (SPL), Jean Chapin (HML), Erika Johnson (MIIS), Irene Berry (NPS), Heather Geddes (WPL), Frank Gravier (UCSC), Pamela Jungerberg (PGPL) Bill Rawson (Hartnell), Janie Silveria, Steve Watkins, Jacqui Grallo (CSUMB).

Adoption of April Meeting Minutes


  • Tech Committee: had successful audio-video workshop on May 21, with 13-14 people attending.
  • ILL Committee: no meeting
  • SPLAMBA: heading into summer reading with the theme, Make a Splash! Working on a brochure for parents on graphic novels, and a map of local public libraries.

Old Business

  • Future of Reference discussion- At the end of the year we should include our goals and accomplishments on this theme in our report to the Admin Council.
    • Make it the focus of the Hands-On Workshop this year
    • Explore joint use of LibGuides and/or Library a la Carte (open source)
    • Explore other future resources, technologies and tools to deliver service. If libraries in our group are currently using any of these, find out what’s working and what isn’t.
    • Altarama and Megameeting provided by PLP. How can we use these?
    • Continue the “Show and tell” idea at future meetings- the hosting library can present, and guest libraries too.
    • The suggestion was made to have a meeting at the Salinas Public Library’s digital lab, and then meet elsewhere in Salinas- Steinbeck Center? Bjorn will investigate.

New Business

  • Hands-On workshop
    1. proposal to hold it 10/1, cancelling our September meeting, and keeping the 10/26 meeting.
    2. Committee volunteers- Pamela Jungerberg, Irene Berry, Jean Chapin, and possibly Deborah Ruiz. Pamela will check on this. (Deborah later confirmed).
    3. Decided to bring the RUSA Outstanding Reference Resources as usual, provided by members, plus other new reference books libraries would like to showcase. E-books can be shown on a laptop.
    4. Need presenters for online resources, tools and techniques.
  • New Reference Committee Chair – Following our alphabetical order, Cabrillo would be next in line, but they would like to defer. CSUMB is next. They will consider, and let us know next meeting.
  • MOBAC Webpage – Irene would like to pass this responsibility on to someone else. Since the webpage was mentioned in the MOBAC strategic planning process, we would like to know what the Admin Council has in mind for that before someone agrees to take it on. Steve mentioned the MOBAC Technology Committee might be able to move the page into a Content Management System, making it easier for anyone to post to it, without knowing HTML. Heather will bring this up at the Admin Council meeting in June.
  • Laptop purchase – We had discussed spending our remaining money on a laptop to be used at Reference Committee meetings. This will have to be approved by the Admin Council, so Heather will bring that up at the June meeting as well.
  • News from Libraries followed, with a presentation by CSUMB of their new sources and services – IM reference, blogs, e-books and e-docs, and Library a la Carte for subject guides.

Minutes taken by Jean Chapin

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