Reference Committee Meeting – April 28, 2015 – Minutes

MOBAC Reference Committee Meeting Minutes


April 28, 2015


Present: Sarah Dahlen, chair [CSUMB]; Be Astengo [MCFL]; Jean Chapin [HML]; Jennifer Cockerill [virtual attendee SCPL]; Georg Romero [CAB/Administrative Council]; Deborah Stephens [HCL]; Glenn Tozier [MPC]; Inga Waite [MPL]; Jen Waterson [MIIS]


Recorder: Jen


The meeting was called to order by Sarah at 2:10 p.m.


Proxies: Inga for Benjamin [MPL], Deborah for Laura [CAB] and Sarah for Frank [UCSC]


Agenda:  The agenda was approved without changes.


Approval of minutes: The March minutes were approved without changes.


Public comments: There were no public comments.



Administrative Council: Sarah reported that the Administrative Council no longer requests that a council representative attend MOBAC committee meetings. There is a proposal to set caps for PLP fees to $5,000 per year for academic libraries and $25,000 for large public libraries. The Administrative Council will form an ad hoc committee to consider the idea of a mutual aid agreement to assist other libraries after a disaster. Information was sent to the directors’ listserv. Eleanor Uhlinger will be the council chair again this term. Carol Heitzig will be the vice chair. Georg Romero will be the council representative to PLP. Donna will send out the pricing information regarding the OCLC contract in July.

Technology Committee: Deborah reported that five platforms were demonstrated in the spring workshop. Zoom was very popular. Advantages of Zoom are that it uses HD video and does not require an account. Zoom allows forty minute long sessions for free. Deborah said that Zoom can be saved locally as an MP4. The Technology Committee is making a proposal to use Zoom rather than MegaMeeting. Skype requires administrative privileges to install. Skype is difficult to install in two locations. Administrative privileges may not be required for Zoom and JoinMe.

Interlibrary Loan Committee: Jean reported that the interlibrary loan committee continues to incorporate training components into meetings. At the April 14th meeting the committee watched the recorded OCLC webinar Beyond First Search: WorldCat Discovery and What it Means for Your Library []. WorldCat Discovery Services will replace OCLC FirstSearch in December 2015, but librarians will still be able to use either service until December. Discovery makes collections visible on the web. It does not show Dewey numbers. It requires some digging to find MARC records. Glen configured two computers in the reference area so that from a WorldCat link and an interlibrary loan button an interlibrary loan request is sent to the staff through WorldShare. The interlibrayr loan committee will watch a presentation about copyright standards for interlibrary loan sharing at an upcoming meeting. Some libraries are using self initiated interlibrary loan requests for acquisition considerations. Jean shared that HML often buys DVDs based on interlibrary loan requests. This is often less expensive and more effective than trying to obtain DVDs as interlibrary loans.

SPLAMBA: Be was at the reference committee workshop the day of the SPLAMBA meeting. Three people attended the SPLAMBA meeting, but it was still a productive meeting.

Old Business: The evaluations for the MOBAC Reference Committee’s To Your Health workshop were one hundred percent positive! The evaluations included the following suggestions for future workshops: needy patrons, unhappy employees, conflict resolution with coworkers, and more health and wellness presentations. Be discussed two potential workshop presenters. They are former police officer Tom Uretsky, whose presentation would be about safety and conflict, and Cori Rosenburg, from CHOMP, who would provide additional information about emotional wellness in the workplace. Jean gave the committee another good workshop idea with the U. S. Census Bureau’s Census Data for Community Analysis training. The committee decided that this training would make a very good half day workshop. Irma once attended a workshop about telling one’s story with EXCEL. Be mentioned that it was helpful to offer stipends to the presenters. Chiropractor Paula Edwards was paid by the county. Cori was paid by CHOMP. Although committee members like the accessibility of live and recorded webinars they also like to attend workshops in person. Networking is part of committee workshop agendas. While recognizing the advantages of webinars reference librarians do not want in person workshops to be replaced by strictly virtual workshops.

New Business: Georg gave a demonstration of the redesigned MOBAC Services Survey. He will add the category of staff meeting rooms to the survey. There are no more EXCEL files. All pages are flat. We need a system for updates. The committee likes the changes that Georg made to the survey. Be asked Georg to park the old survey pages in case we need to refer to them when we make updates. Glen asked Georg if one argument open url would work to get rid of the need for the underbar or other preceeding character. We all use the same login and password to update the survey. If anyone has password account questions please send an e mail to Georg at CAB.

Sarah asked the committee to please check our calendars to ascertain meeting room availability to host the reference committee meetings next year. There will be no meeting in July. Be volunteered MCFL for the August 2015 meeting. The MCFL branch is to be decided. To see where meetings have been held this year please check the wiki.

Reference Shares: MCFL is checking into using Evanced to schedule events, meeting rooms and bookmobile stops online. Inga shared that MPL uses Evanced. Glen discussed the event that will be held at MPC on Wednesday, May 13th, in the early afternoon. Using emulated archived video games the event will highlight the internet archive/way back machine.

News from Libraries: Not recorded

Future agenda items: Finalize meeting locations for next year.

Next meeting: Tuesday, May 26, 2015, at Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey  [Please note that this was a change of location from the original calendar.]


The meeting was adjourned.


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